End of Summer Coffee Splash!


Sleeve a Message wants to help you celebrate the end of summer with our ultimate cool coffee list! Coffee is for waking up, chilling out and hanging out, and our customized sleeve can say anything you want no matter the temperature of your drink.


So, here are our top four favorite cold coffee drinks!


  1. Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Grab some sweetened condensed milk, high quality coffee beans of your choice and a handful of ice. Combine it using this recipe from White On Rice Couple for a delectable, refreshing drink.

  1. Caramel Iced Latte

Caramel, nice cold milk, delicious coffee and the relaxing porch of your favorite café is all you need for this easy-to-make caramel iced late from offbeat + inspire.

  1. Mocha Chocolate Frappuccino

Add chocolate, whipped cream, some Hershey’s chocolate sauce and chocolate chips to your regular Mocha Frappuccino for an extra sweet, drinkable dessert. Get the recipe here.

  1. Java Cubes

Need a twist to your everyday iced coffee? Take your favorite brew and pour it into an empty ice cube tray. Let it freeze overnight and toss some cubes in your iced coffee for a cold drink that’s never watered down or losing flavor. Try adding a hint of mint or Bailey’s Irish Cream to the cubes for a little kick!


Coffee is perfect for any occasion and any way you like it. SleeveaMessage can help you express yourself with espresso, so if you’ve got a quote you think should go on a custom sleeve tell us about it on Facebook @SleeveaMessage with the #SaMSpecial.

For more information on custom coffee sleeves call 1 (877) SLEEVE6